Who the fuck I am

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Man, Student, Skeptic, Almost Husband, thinker(too much), Drinker(too little), Friend, enemy, Brother, liver(living, not the organ)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The sun is rising in the land of the rising sun

Happy thanksgiving everyone and no one. The sun is rising and I am feeling good. I had watch all night but it was good because I downloaded all the Rosetta Stone Japanese lessons. I am going to study them like no other. I hope my Japanese will get better. What else is going on? Not a whole lot. Going to Gunma this weekend. I am happy to get out of Tokyo for a couple day. Chill with my Japanese family. They are amazing people. Cook me great food to order and everything. So I am out, don't to anything I wouldn't do, whichis almost nothing. Have fun!

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