Who the fuck I am

My photo
Man, Student, Skeptic, Almost Husband, thinker(too much), Drinker(too little), Friend, enemy, Brother, liver(living, not the organ)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Who is who in this fucking place?

So many fucking people have so many different opinions. I really just wish I could just disappear sometimes. Just walk into a crowd and no one ever find me. Maybe I would live out my days alone and in a foreign place, but how fucking cool would that be? I think I don't feel right today. I didn't feel right when I woke up. I never do until I get a few beers down and just chill out. I am always so on edge. I don't care what people think, but it that really so true about myself? Like Most people can fuck off, but I still crave acceptance. I get worried about my drinking. Why do I need liquor to make it alright, yet I do. I just wish I could dissapear. I find these peole though everyday who support me. Support what I do, support the asshole I am. Maybe they are bad people, but I like to believe they are the greatest ones who ever lived. They allow me to be a complete dick, and love me to spite it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The ocean, friend and enemy

Here I am back on the water that covers 75% of the earth. It is pretty much groundhog day. Same routine everyday. I usually loathe it, but sometimes it is sort of a comfort. Today it is a little bit of both. I don't have too much time until I am back in Japan. I cannot wait for this day. I will have pretty much 6 months to do with as I please. There will be stories. I realized today, not for the first time, that I seriously dislike most people. Some people I work with are just so dull as humans that it makes me physically ill. Oh and a friend blew me off today. It was pretty funny and now I don't have to feel insecure about this person anymore. So maybe it was a good thing, but it also means one of my long time goals cannot be completed. ah fuck it, there will be plenty more.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Explanations...fucking pointless

So no one will ever read this. Maybe that is the appeal. I have some crazy times and I will share those as they happen. The wayfarer title explains the point of all this. I travel. Well that is to say I work on a big ship that travels and I have to go with it. I visit many strange, crazy, dirty, funny, amazing places. In the last year or so I have been to Malaysia, Hong Kong, Guam (like 5 times), South Korea, Australia, and I live in Japan. There are stories from each of these places, but I won't be going back in time. Everything from now on is current. Somethings will be edited because, hey I have my secrets too. I drink way too much and most of the shit that happens involves this. I could end here with 'I hope you enjoy', but I really don't care, so read or don't. It doesn't matter.