Who the fuck I am

My photo
Man, Student, Skeptic, Almost Husband, thinker(too much), Drinker(too little), Friend, enemy, Brother, liver(living, not the organ)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Piggy Backing on Greatness

I read something today that really stood out. How failure is the mark of true greatness. If you are not failing you are not trying new things. I decided to look deep within myself to view my failures. I came up with a pretty good amount. This really makes me sick to think about it, but it also encourages me in a way. I have failed at many things and yet I keep trying those same things. I am sure one day I will overcome every one of those failed attempt at anything. I'll make a marriage work. I'll write a decent song and eventually an entire album. I'll take a picture that speaks to people. I'll find the perfect job. and on and on. On other shit I am attempting to stop biting my nails. That shit is difficult. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I got a call this morning. I was on the phone with my Mom. She had drank a little too much wine and was entertaining me fully. She is coming to Japan to visit at the end of this month. So I get told I have a call on the other line and I really should take it. I tell Mama I have to call her back and answer the call. Oh how I wish I didn't answer. This long drawn out conversation consisted of too much crying, anger, The remorse of loss of a feeling, maybe hatred, and soft semi-kind words.(those came from me) I cannot believe someone who decided to quit their job on their own accord decides I should pay for them to live. I flat out refuse to do this. I am tired of this world thinking emotional distress is an excuse for anything. Suck it up and get back to work. I have no problem with people taking a little time to work out things in their head but damn, enough is enough. So anyway on to more important things. I have a huge accessory kit for my camera coming. This is going to boost my capabilities by a whole lot. So if anyone needs any sort of pictures taken, contact me. I will do portaits but I am specialized in doing series of art for peoples homes. I love to get an idea of what people want as far as art in their homes and running with it. This is a little scary because you may get it wrong, but so far I have had a lot of success making people happy. So bring it on. Thanks.